Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Blog #9

1. Identify which questions assess which learning outcomes (some questions may apply to more than one learning outcome) (For this task - you should list each of the 19 questions under one or more of the 5 learning outcomes).
2. Evaluate the effectiveness of each question in terms of what it allows students to communicate about the knowledge, feelings, and practices they might have with respect to each learning outcome. (for this task, you should produce some comments that account for WHAT information each question provides with respect to the learning outcome it is listed under, and some observations about how well it provides that information)
3. Note (make a list of) any information about the 5 learning outcomes that the Department might need = but that will NOT be gathered through these questions.

Student Learning Outcome #1: students will produce essays through a series of drafts that include exploratory writing or talk, as well as revisions that include addition, deletion, substitution and rearrangement.

     1. The questions I thought describe this statement are # 1, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19
     2.  The students will not be able to master the ease of revising or editing a paper without understanding the overall process. The student has to have knowledge of the subject for it to be successful. When successful, the students, will be able to understand the effectiveness of drafting that includes exploratory writing as well as revisions.
Student Learning Outcome #2: students will identify central ideas/themes of a text through class discussion and writing.

     1. The questions I thought describe this statement are # 1, 3,4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 , 18 and 19
     2. The students need to participate in class discussions in order to fully grasp the topics.  Once the students master this skill, they will be able to apply different methods to their research as well as gaining knowledge about another classmate's view on a subject area.

Student Learning Outcome #3: students will use two or more methodologies from English Studies to develop original research or creative products.
     1. The questions I thought describe this statement are # 2,  4, 6, 7, 16, 17, 18 and 19
     2. This learning outcome is for more advanced students with knowledge in discourse analysis. When successful, the students will be able to use two methods to research their subject.

Student Learning Outcome #4: students will demonstrate ability to give a compelling oral presentation.
     1. The questions I thought describe this statement are # 8, 10, 13, 16, 17, 18 and 19
     2. By giving effective presentations, the students will learn about multiple topics and convey their message to their audience.

Student Learning Outcome #5: students will connect ideas from classroom assignments to contemporary issues in class discussion and presentations.
     1. The questions I thought describe this statement are # 3, 6,7, 8, 9, 13, 16, 17 ,18 and 19
     2. Students will be able to work in small groups about what they know about the current topic or subject.
#3- Students should be able to incorporate learning with other subjects in mind. 
Additional questions:
What definition(s) of "writing" and "learning" is assumed by this survey? 
     Definition of "writing"- anything written. 
     Definition of "learning"- knowledge of a certain subject.
Are those definitions a good match for the definitions assumed by the student learning outcomes? Are they a good match for the way the students taking the survey will define writing and learning? 
     This survey talks a lot about writing but not a lot about the learning process.  I believe this survey is good for the writing aspect but not so much for the learning.
How might you change this survey so that it could provide a more accurate reflection of what students learn in this program? List your suggestions.
     There should be a text box where students put in their own input rather than just filling in bubbles.  
     Add more objectives from syllabi to get more of an understanding of what the students learned in the classes they took. 

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