Friday, February 8, 2013

Blog 5.5 class notes

  • SH addresses the class in a discussion about what our projects are going to be about.
  • J is describing about her research projects (very detailed)
  • while SH is addressing the class everyone around me is their notebooks.
  • SH is still asking questions to the students about our research projects.
  • while this is all going on there is a cell phone buzzing every ten seconds.
  • SH is joking with the class about this is our desecration and it will be a 200 page page.
  • class is silent for 3 seconds (mouths are open and dropped) then starts laughing because of the way SH said what will be expected of the class.
  • SH asks what Discourse is (see S's face) looks confused and trying to understand what Discourse is.
  • class still laughing and does not know what to say about what discourse is.
  • then SH is asking the students what their research projects are.
  • We use the class blog to communicate between the students and the professor in and out of class.
  • I then raise my hand and speak about my research project. I say what my topic is about to the class.......... the class is participating with comments and others are vigorously writing in their notebooks. At the same time I feel like I am making a fool of myself but in a good way. 
  • SH like my topic and the session ends.   

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