Thursday, April 11, 2013


1.       K: So…How old are you?
KA: Right now I am 20 years old
K: 20
KA: yeah
K: ah ha
KA:  haha
K: hahaha
2.       K: Where did you go to school when you were in elementary school?
KA: I went to S A school
K: Which was what grades
KA: S A  was kindergarten through….wait… which was 3 – 5 grade

3.        K:  How did you like your elementary school teachers?
KA:  I love my elementary school teachers I had 4th grade teacher  and she was always my favorite teacher I had her in my 4th grade.
K: I remember her
KA: yeah
K: wait didn’t she marry like M P
KA: no I think they had the same last names but I don’t think they were married
KA: ahhhhhhhh
KA: did they… M P was the janitor
K:  Yeah I know he married somebody
KA:  yeah did he I think…
K: I don’t know
KA:  he had a street name named after him but hahaha
K: Who did you have for fifth grade
KA:  ahh 5th grade teacher I think
K: ahh S had him
KA:  yeah. He was a great teacher
K: yeah he is awesome. I think he is at the middle school
KA:  is he… I did not know that
K: yeah he is the iss teacher
KA:  oh good for him
K: I know um oh my goodness
KA:  oh you are right I did remember seeing him there… he probably won’t remember me at all
K:  oh how sad
KA:  it is so long ago
K:  haha
KA:  I feel old
K: haha okay

4.       K: Did you have any friends in in your k-5 class when you were in, when you were at S?
KA:  yeah um when I moved to fourth grade. I mean when I moved to M. I moved to M in 4th grade. I automatically became friends with J M and I continued to be like one of her friends until even now
K: oh yeah okay that good its good support system for you
KA:  yeah
K:  so you are still close to her of course
KA:  of course haha
K:  hahaha
KA:  yeah she is my best friend yeah she is one of my best friends
K:  yeah
KA:  yeah
K:  What did you and Julie do together
KA:  ummmmm we hung out outside of school a couple of times when I was um younger. She found my house because our older brothers were also friends at the same time
K:  oh yeah
KA:  so haha
KA:  I do remember they were always
KA:  yeah
K:  at your house and what funny
KA:  yeah
K:  I I never knew that
KA:  yeah our brothers I guess. M he stayed back a year so he is a little bit older than B so a lot of of people forget that they were in the same grade for a while
K:  yeah
KA:  well kinda
K:  okkaayy are they still friends
KA:  noo not any more they lost touch a long time ago they probably lost touch in high school probably
K:  yeah I can see that
KA:  yeah but Julie continued to be my friend which is good haha hum

5.       K:  Did you have any rivals or anybody that you did not like
KA:  there were mean people and at S … there…. Where people who did not like me and I don’t know why I guess I
K:  you have the twin disease
K and KA:  hahahahaha
KA: yeah C was also my rival
K:  hahahaha
KA:  my twin hahaha
K:  yeah I think you have twin disease
KA:  hahaha
K:  see no one really liked me either
KA:  yeah oh they liked your twin
KA:  yeah
K:  yeah they liked S a lot better
KA:  C was probably liked more than I was in that grade
K:  yeah yeah S was to
KA:  he like to play video games and he was friends with a lot of other people
K:  that played video games
KA:  hahaha yeah
K:  of course it was the cool thing to do
KA:  yeah haha I played Pokémon back then
K:  oh my god my kids still have the Pokémon cards
KA:  oh
K:  yeah they are so funny I cannot pronounce half of the names now. They take out the book and go hey
KA:  they have a billion names now
K:  yeah they have a book that thick of Pokémon cards
KA:  wow that is a lot
K: yeah it is huge
KA:  haha holy crap
K:  yeah
KA:  haha 
6.       K: So between those rivals did there was there any situation or conflict that’s like conflicts between you guys that you could remember. I now that it was a while ago
KA:  yeah well I don’t know if I would called the people who bullied me my rivals but
K:  well the bullier or bulliee ee
KA:  yeah
K:  The bullier
KA:  yeah
K:  yeah
KA:  should I describe that conflict or.
K:  well I guess you had some
KA:  what
K:  well um do you remember if J was ever .like if there to help you with anything
KA:  yeah um I don’t know if she knew a lot of it was going on I can’t remember if she was… cause it all happened in my science teachers class so I don’t remember if she was in there or that class with me or not
K:  yeah
KA:  and I don’t know if anyone else at the time said anything I just …..
K:  yeah
KA:  it really mean and I did not know how…. to stick up for myself at that age so…. I just ended up…. kind of miserable 
K:  aww

7.       K:  Do you like remember when it happened during science?
KA:  I can’t remember when it happened during science  I just um I know I must have said something that wasn’t that educated or I don’t know…either that or they were just plain bullies …. And they just… maybe they did it to everybody else they just said some pretty harsh words and haha I forget what they were but haha I do remember crying during class and I remember it was 2 of the guys haha and…
K: you said that this was in 4th grade
KA:  it was in 4th grade yeah…
K:  did this happen in 5th grade or
KA:  umm in 5th grade I don’t think they were in any of my classes so it did not really carry over and in middle school at the time I never … like I know he was in one of my classes
K:  yeah
 KA:  but nothing was ever said after that haha because I think everyone became a bit more mature
K:  yeah well you would hope that they wouldn’t be the way that they still are today
KA:  yeah hahaha I hope they would be matured after that and haha
K:  cause sometimes they know and sometimes they still feel like the world still revolves around them
KA:  yeah exactly I don’t even think … honestly if I even ask them I don’t think they would remember  being mean to me back in the day I don’t
K:  yeah that’s funny
KA:  yeah I wonder … makes you wonder if they remember being bullie I mean being bullies back in the day
K:  yeah I thought you meant well the same thing happened to me at S so you would probly know all about
KA:  yeah
K:  the same thing in Sussex and you probably know I would talk to them in high school and well they had no clue
KA:  yeah they don’t remember
K:    they had no clue they don’t remember
KA:  haha I am always contemplating asking him and he was so mean but he like does not even remember ha so that it will not be worth It nah
K:  um so did like in these situations do you remember like your friends helping you.. if anything
KA:  I ahhhh wish I could remember it is was a long time ago so I can’t really I’m sure there were some people who I mean I was crying in class so .I um so pretty sure somebody came up to me and or that the teacher did something about it
K:  did the science teacher do anything or you remember if he the science teacher did anything
KA:  I can’t remember but he must have I mean if I was breaking down in class like that he must have took me aside or probly asked if it was going on
K:  oh
KA: I   can’t remember though it is so long ago
K:  probly
KA:  yeah
K:  something
KA:  he had to
K:  yeah
KA:  I probly talked to J about it at the end of the day so I … I know I spoke to one of them after um a little while after it was not the main bullie it was just somebody laughing about it and did not do anything. He remember that they were really mean to me back in the day and he apologized
K:  oh
KA:  for not sticking up
K:  aww that’s good how do they call it, they by standard
KA:  yeah the by standard
K:  quote quote quote the by standard on my goodness
KA:  yeah it made me feel better that he realized that he was being rude but 
K:  observably he figured it out and did not do anything more
KA:  yeah ha and hopefully after that he sticks up for people but after realizing that he did not do anything added on to it
K:  how old was he when he realized that like did he say it was
KA:  we did not rally talk about it until early high school  the other kid 
K:  humph
 KA:  he prob did not do anything mad a little bit not even a little bit 
K:  humph I wish people appoliged to me
KA:  ha yeah ha
K:  I wish
KA:  yeah while growing up
K:  I know it is so bad
KA:  yeah
K:  I feel bad for the kids
KA:  ahha gota admit I did not as bad as some people go through
K:  yeah so how did it like for you when it happened like how did you handle the situation like did you just like do you remember like how you handled it like right then and there when it was going on or like it was just like a big huge confusion thing going on
KA:  it was a confusion it was first time people ever really be rude to me and I did not know what to do about it so haha of course I was crying in class and….. I don’t know
K:  did you
KA:  it was probly
K:  sorry go ahead
KA:  did I tell my parents ….i don’t think I told my parents I was… young and I …I don’t know I just… it probly stopped at some point because I …. Like fourth grade was generally ….like okay for me it wasn’t too bad so it proboly stoped at one point and maybe I did tell my parents about that.. And that’s why it stopped but …. I don’t know it was so long ago …. That I can’t remember like … how it was handled
K:  im trying to remember I don’t …. I don’t know I don’t remember
KA:  yeah yeah  hahaha 
K:  hahaha
KA:   did I ever come to you guys about it probably not
K:  I don’t think so cause I was going through the same things you were… I was going through my own weird things at that point
KA:  everybody was going through their own things haha
K:  yeah
KA:  I don’t know I proboly went to Julie she was honestly one of my best friends at that point and I hung out with her all the time so I proboly did go to her
K:  yeah cause you 2 are the same age and the same class and everything
KA:  yeah yeah she was in my 4th grade class I had her with 4th grade teacher  
K:  okay….. That’s cool now were you …how did you overcome being in like that situation …like how did you overcome it
KA:  um I don’t know I guess I didn’t let it bring me down … I was crying in class but that was only probly only lasted a day or 2 I don’t know … I know they were rude to me but after that grade I never really had to see them because they weren’t in my classes any more
K:  ohhh okay so
KA:  then
K:  so you switched 4th and 5th
KA:  yeah because um I had 4th grade teacher and then …. Once you go to fifth grade you have somebody else and they weren’t  in that class with me … I had 5th grade teacher  and they were in different classes so after that it did not really happen as it did not happen at all then um in middle school we all went our separate ways and
K:  yeah like
KA:  after that it was never really an issue they were the only people who were just mean to me back then
K:  yeah you are not confined to that one classroom anymore you are in multiple classrooms to … if you don’t really like someone they …. Okay go see ya I am going somewhere else
KA:  yeah
K:  that type of deal
KA:  yeah thankfully everybody else was nice
K:  yeah   
KA:  they were the only ones
K:  oh my goodness can you remember you’re like like your science teacher must have said something
KA:  he probably did  that I mean … in a classroom with only 20 something students you’re bound to see everything that is happening he probably knew what  was happening… he probably intercepted it he had to have seen that I was breaking down in class and crying cause of what they were saying to me
K:  yeah
KA:  which probably made them stop
K:  yeah it’s good
KA:  for a little
K:  yeah for a little while yeah because they would see an adult figure and like a teacher saying hey like
KA:  you need to cut this out
K:  yeah okay like you’re really means business and all that
KA:  haha
K:  yeah you need to stop that
KA:  I remember having fun in his class to so it was not all bad
K:  okay oh my goodness
KA:  he made me first stating to like science so
K:  did anyone give you like any special advice either teachers or friends or any special advice like how to handle all these situations
KA:  … back in the day probably not haha I just remembered after a while I started just crying and not taking to anybody cause I realized that if I said anything people would yeah that’s another reason why I was really quite in middle school was because I was afraid to say anything I was afraid of being bullied after that I was afraid that if I said something… and it came out the wrong way people would take it differently and start making fun of me so I don’t know if I got any real advise…. to me it was kind of like yeah I should not really say anything
K:  well
KA:  I have a fear of
K: well now you know that you cannot be afraid of anything
KA:  Yeah
K:  yeah who really cares now
KA:  yeah
K:  like if there’s a point it is like well then you are just going to go do your own thing but like whatever
KA:  exactly
K:  who cares
KA:  if somebody doesn’t agree with you then some pass
K:  yeah it doesn’t matter
KA:  not really yeah haha
K:  okay do you have any like now like speaking like right now have anyone special that you can go talk to if like if something like this were to happen again
KA:  oh yeah I have a good support system now I know my friends will be will to help me like if I came to you about something your be willing to help me with anything and S of course
K:  yeah do you have any friends at college that
KA:  yeah I have friends at college who would be willing like there a great support system now I go and talk to N about anything that’s on my mind at the time I talk to her about all my classes and stuff like that I’m pretty sure that if somebody started bullying me she would be the first person to stick up for me
K:  yeah it is kind of like your own little therapy session going on right there
KA:  hahaha exactly
K:  ands it’s free
KA:  if she there’s for me I’m there for her yeah that great
K:  yeah now speaking of like today the bully laws are so strict now like I actually had to get trained to do the whole bullying and cyber bullying thing
KA:  yeah
K:  it’s so huge now the reports and everything its crazy but if you saw a child bullied today would what advice would you give them
KA:  what advice would I give them I would defiantly tell them to reach out and to talk to other people to get help like if its child being bullied like they should defiantly go to either a teacher of a friend or anybody and like somebody could intercept or do something about it like defiantly stick up for yourself don’t …. Don’t just take it … if somebody is being mean to you do something about it
K:  hum
KA:  yeah don’t shy off the world which is what I did for a little while…. stick up for yourself
K:  yeah but as much as
KA:  don’t throw punches
K:  no no haha
KA:  haha
K:  oh no that would cause more trouble
KA:  yeah
K:  oh my goodness um now will you going through this experience for your own sake how will… will like will it help you in like your future and everything to try to like see things
KA:  yeah I think I have a better perspective of of how people being bullied and how the situation like I am going to work at a camp so
K:  hum
KA:  I have a better perspective of what bullies like to do like how they go about bullying other people so I have I feel like I’ll be able to see that type of situation happening and if that happens I be able to like go and stop it from happening I will like be able to like talk to both parties and what’s like happening and make sure that they don’t do it either and talk to their parents
K:  yeah that a good way
KA:  yeah make sure to stop it before it happens
K:  so is there anything else that you would like to say about this topic or any like other notes that you would like to say
KA:  ummm I don’t know if you see somebody being bullied haha do your best to prevent it
K:  haha
KA:  don’t let that child be bullied
K:  yeah
KA:  and don’t let yourself be bullied stand up for yourself hahaha um
K:  thank you very much for talking to me about this situation I really appreciate it 

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