Saturday, April 6, 2013

Blog #19 List of Refrences

Here is the reference that I will be using for my literature review in my research project. "She Is Not Actually Bullied." The Discourse of Harassment in Student Groups. The works cited reference is:

  Terasahjo, Timo. ""She Is Not Actually Bullied." The Discourse of Harassment in Student Groups."Aggressive Behavior. 29. (2003): 134-154. Print.

           I will be using this source in my literature review by having another source about bullying and how important it impacts a young child's life. I will also be using this source for stats to back up the information that I already know from my previous knowledge.

Side note: I have conducted my interview and will be bringing in the signed consent form on Tuesday. This week I plan on transcribing the interview.    

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