Monday, April 29, 2013

Blog #25 Today's Presenters

I had my presentation this past Thursday for class. I got a lot of great feedback during class time. Here are the notes that were presented:

People have been bullied still have it with them. Patterns proof discourse. Emotions that people feel when bullied still feel that way, even after a long time after it happened.

Great Presentation! I can see you worked really hard for this research paper! I like your introduction and conclusion!

I think you hit a great topic and it's really good to know that your were able to share your own past experiences of being bullied also. Maybe this research helped you open up after you did the interview. Great job!

 I thought you did an excellent job with the presentation and I love the topic that you chose. you clearly stated how the topic is of importance and is something to consider. I feel like you should develop the conclusion a little bit more. I would like to see more of the points you made stated in the conclusion. great job!

I love your topic. I would check grammar again.. Check your paragraph order. but other than that LOVE it 

Great conclusion I love the last sentence! 

With all of this being said I will check my grammar and develop my conclusion...... Should I post my paper again on the blog????

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