Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Blog #28 Class Work

Essay: 100 points
Data + analysis: 300 points 
Writing process: 100 points

- Data- List blog posts out of 300 points
For this part I should get 295 points because I have had to change my focus a little bit and the interview question had to be revised.

Discuss: completeness, quality     Here are the blog posts that relate to this topic.
blog 5.5 class notes
blog 11
blog 14
blog 15 short analysis paper revised
blog 16 class notes
Blog Interview
Blog Introduction and literature review so far
Blog 22 three questions with the blog sections
Blog 23 class from April 18, 2013
Blog 24 draft of paper
Blog 26
Blog 27

Blog 5.5-blog 16 is all background with the short analysis paper to how am I going to go about conducting the interview. All of these blogs are complete and is the base for the interview

Blog Interview-Blog 22 is where I am analyzing the data that will be used in the paper. I started out with all my data and then I shorted it to just three sections of the data.

Blog 23- Blog 27 is all the drafts of the paper. The data changed a little bit. My writing about the data has progressed throughout this writing process. I have added more background information and my own feeling regarding the data.

Analysis; completeness, quality, completeness of questions
Blog posts:
Blog #2
Blog # 3
Blog #4
Blog #5
Blog #6
Blog #7
Blog #8
Blog #9
Blog #10
Blog #12
Blog #13
Blog #14
Blog #15
Blog #19
Blog #20
Blog# Introduction and literature review
Blog #22 three questions with the blog sections
blog # 23
Blog #24
Blog #26
Blog # 27

Blog :
Blog two is where I have my interpretation of what the term analysis means.
Blog three through ten is prewriting to get myself thinking about what analysis really means and how it is used.
Blog 12-15 is the short analysis paper and all of my revisions. This is where I really start to learn how to write and analysis paper.
Blog 19-22 is all prewriting to the discourse paper. This is where I am analyzing the data and writing the introduction and literature review.
Blog 23- 27 are all drafts of the discourse analysis paper. This is where you can see how I have changed my paper for the better.

-Writing Process- List blog posts out of 100 points
I would give my self a 95 because the writing had to be developed and my focus changed to fit the paper subject.

Invention (research plan/ focus) Drafting and Revision
Evaluate quality of revisions
Writing about writing part (how I wrote the paper)

Blog 12-15 and 23-27
Blog 12-15 is all of my revisions for the short analysis paper and you can see what revisions have been made.
In blogs 23-27 is all the drafts of my discourse analysis paper.

For paper- use the rubric out of 100 points
 Focus (30): clear statement of the research question(s) + the importance of the research and what it shows
direct statements of what the data shows
set up any background information necessary for the reader to understand the focus
appropriate choice of research essays
data is connected to the focus/makes points with respect to the focus

 For the focus I should get a 27. I know that the focus relates to my topic but I might be off on one or two points to the paper. 

Audience/genre (25)
uses the correct forms for research essays
uses language the ways it is used in the sample research essays
draws authority from other research and the logic of the argument

For this section I should get a 23. I might have misused some language terms in the paper. 

Organization (20)
data is presented in the right place
one idea leads logically to the next
definitions/data/categories  are presented and explained before they are "used" or referred to
uses headings + paragrphing in ways suitable for the material
each section develops the focus in a different way

Organization should receive 20 points. I have all the proper heading and all of my data and analysis is organizes by code and headings are used to separate the paper in its sections. 

Development (20)
detailed examples from the data to support the points
says what the examples show
connects to the discussion of the research
develops an in-depth (not obvious) discussion of what the data show

Development should receive 18. I am not sure if all of my points are developed to the way that they should be in a discourse analysis paper. 

Correctness (5)
writing sufficiently clear so as not to confuse the meaning
not so many errors as to distract from the meaning of the text

Correctness should receive all 5 points. All of the points in the paper flow together and nothing is confusing to the readers when they read the paper. All of the grammatical errors are fixed throughout the paper.  

Blog + Comments:        250 points
Class presentations + group work + participation + homework:           150 points
Best Short analysis paper:           80 out of 100 points
Research project:     485 out of 500 points

Final Grade:        965out of 1000 points

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